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Al-Isra^ & Al-Mi^Raj
5th April 2019

Allah enables his slave Muhammad to make the journey at night from Masjid al-haram in Makkah to Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem. After that the Prophet ascended to the upper heavens on stairs, called al-mirqat. Allah enabled the Prophet to see some of his wondrous creations on that night. he saw the Throne (^Arsh), which is the largest creation of Allah in size; Allah created the Throne as a sign of his power and not to sit on it. On that night Prophet Muhammad heard the Kalam of Allah, which does not resemble the attributes of the creation. the Prophet understood several things from hearing this Kalam of Allah. He understood the obligation of the five Obligatory Prayers. After witnessing all these events the Prophet returned to the city of Makkah. Some Scholars said the Prophet's journey took about one-third of a night.

The 5th Bankstown Scouts Group and 1st liverpool Scouts Group will be participating in the Al-Isra^ & Al-Mi^raj celebration.

kayaking - Venturer Boys

The 5th Bankstown Scouts Group Venturer Boys had an amazing time together at kayaking where they developed the skill and experience on the royal national park waters, it was an enjoyable time for the boys

International Women Day

The 5th Bankstown Scouts Group and liverpool Scouts Group Scout leaders celebrated 'International womens day' at the 2019 Women's Life Expo hosted by MWWA and recieving an award of Appreciation.

Clean-Up Australia Day

The 5th Bankstown scouts & liverpool scouts Groups participated in Clean-Up Australia Day this Sunday 5th March 2017. The 5th bankstown scouts group walked to city garden park in bankstown & liverpool scouts group walked to lions park to participate in the Clean-Up Australia Day, it was a good walk to the park where the kids developed new skills.

Venturer Boot Camp

The 5th Bankstown scouts & liverpool scouts Groups participated in Bootcamp at Chesterhill, they got involved alot of activities including tag race, sack race, tag-o-war so many other exciting activities, the venturers had an amazing time together and developed skills and experience at this boot camp.


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